Father Joseph O’Brien, O.P., the Executive Director of The St Therese HIV Outreach Program, Las Vega shares about an Autism Breakthrough with Autism Sound Therapy DVD He talks about how our sound therapy for Autism DVD has affected students in his cooking class. For those with Autism, he has seen increased focus, decreased behavior issues, increased calm,

Regina, I would like to Thank you for introducing me to the dolphin whale sound therapy, it has transformed my life. In 1999 four friends that I loved dearly were murdered. I had a complete breakdown. I had a great job, loved to snowboard, play pool, work out and have fun. I turned away from
This video testimonial was given to us by Sherry who used our free program Pesticide Detox. Below is the free program for Pesticide Detox
These ladies are great to work with,they really know what they are doing. I have several of their recordings and I love them. I listen to them and my own rife frequencies on a daily basis and I definitely am starting to feel better, I'm walking straighter, have more energy, and less pain, sleeping better,
I'm grateful to have the angel therapy program. I was very excited when I found it. This sound healing is amazing, the one I have for back pain is wonderful and helps so much. Thank you once again for all your help. Many Blessings, Pat
I need to thank you for your "Healing Regeneration and Wound Care" audio. I had been to the hospital the day that you introduced it for an ulcer on the bottom and side of my right foot that wasn't healing, had become infected actually, perforating through the top of the foot, leaving a gaping open
I started to play the “Repiratory Relief DVD” when I read on FB that is was curing the flu. I played it 3 times a day without fail for a week. I had an appointment with the Lung Doctor and to my surprise my lung function improved from 45 to 58. This is not considered
I have known Regina for around 2 years now and can write testimonial after testimonial as to the healing that her music and DVD’s have provided for my daughter and myself. I first met her at a health fair and was introduced to her music. I was telling her about my daughters stomach problems and
I am paralyzed and suffer for muscle spasms in my back and bladder. This is a miracle. ~~ Denise
I have had such stiffness in my back and nothing seemed to help. After 2 sessions with the speaker on my back, the stiffness was totally gone. I use the speaker on my headache when nothing else works and the pain is gone is 30 seconds. ~~Ann M.
I played Respiratory Relief for my children with the flu, only 2 times, and he was 90% better the next morning. Susan Goeche
My 3 year old with Autism improved in several areas in only two sessions with the DVD. Thank you so much. ~~Anonymous
I play the DVD in my car before we go into the house for about 8 minutes and my children are so calm. ~~ Christine (Mother of 4 special needs children)
Anxiety and Depression helped me cope with the loss of my daughter. It is a Godsend. ~~Maryanne
PTSD is just too good to be true. ~~Anonymous Veteran with severe PTSD
I played Depression and Anxiety and Heart health when I was not watching TV. Within 3 days I called and said that I know something was happening. Thank you so much. Medical tests have proven this to be true. Go to the web site www.thesecretsofsoundtherapy.com to view the records. ~~Randy P.
I listened to the positive phrases DVD 3 times last night. What a blessing. ~~Steve Gregg
My husband has not slept throughout the night in 8 years since his return from active duty. The first night we played it, he did not wake up screaming or sweating. You saved our life. PTSD has plagued our entire family for so long. ~~Anonymous
As soon as The Rosary started to play, I broke into tears. I could feel the healing power of the first prayer as it worked on my fear. ~~Michelle O
The Gong Bath Entity Removal was a miracle for me. I believe it saved my life. ~~Chelle
I started playing the Dolphin Dream in the house. Everything changed, even the way we all view life. Thank you so much. ~~Jennie M.
I was using a portable speaker for hip pain and it went away in ten minutes. ~~Kathleen G
I was unable to sleep due to pressure about final exams. As soon as I put the DVD on, I became calm and fell asleep and did great on my tests. You changed my life. ~~Nick G
My mother-in-law suffers from dementia. At one point we were all up for five days and nights as she hallucinated and yelled 24/7. In desperation, I put on a DVD that Regina gave us. The moment I put it on, the house became calm. My mother-in-law became lucid, and we all slept through the night.
I was urinary retention with an infection and enlarged prostate. All of our trusted medical friends and professionals agreed that medication for the prostate was the only possible option. My wife Regina asked me if I would be willing to try the rife frequency program for enlarged prostate and stop the medication. The frequencies had